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I have worked for 30 years in treatment centers and schools in Kentucky and Tennessee. I received my Bachelor's degree in 1991 from Western Kentucky University with a minor in speech, and my Masters of Arts in Teaching for Health and Human Performance in 2009 from Austin Peay State University. I have three sons attending school in Clarksville and a daughter who is a veterans attorney. My husband is a retired combat veteran and paramedic. I am honored to be part of the K-12 Virtual team and look forward to an amazing year of learning and improving our wellness.
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Welcome students to High School Wellness. Tennessee State standards require multiple subject areas: PERSONAL WELLNESS-nutrition (HS.PW 1-3), fitness (HS.PW 4-7). SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE- appropriate use (HS.SUA 1-2), health risks (HS.SUA 3-5), risk reduction (HS.SUA 6-7). MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, AND SOCIAL HEALTH- emotional health (HS.MESH 1-3), mental health (HS.MESH 4-5), social health (HS.MESH.6-7). FIRST AID AND SAFETY- first aid procedures (HS.FAS 1-2), personal safety (HS.FAS.3). HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT- relationships (HS.HGD 1-2), sexuality (HS.HGD 3-6)

Welcome students to Middle School Health. Tennessee State standards require multiple subject areas: PERSONAL WELLNESS-nutrition (PW 1-4), hygiene (PW 5-6) fitness (PW 7-8). SUBSTANCE USE, ABUSE- health risks (SUA 1-2), risk reduction (SUA 3-4), community resources and recovery (SUA 5). MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, AND SOCIAL HEALTH- emotional health (MESH 1-9). SAFETY AND PREVENTION- disease prevention (SP 1-2), first aid (SP 3-5), technology safety (SP 6-7), prevention (SP 8-11). HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT- anatomy and physiology (HGD 1-2), puberty (HGD 3-5), pregnancy and reproduction (HGD 6-9), sexually transmitted diseases (HGD 10-17).

Welcome students to high school Contemporary Issues. We will be discussing current events on several important topics and issues for today’s times. Our class focus will be to cover the top trending conversations in the United States and abroad. Topics covered: environment, health, politics, community, sports, education, technology, civil rights, culture, science, and entertainment.
Welcome students to High School Speech. We will be covering 17 chapters of Glencoe Speech textbook. On several important topics and issues for today’s times. Our class will cover: The person, speaker, preparation, process, presentations, problem solving, conflict management, responsibility, confidence, listening, nonverbal, interpersonal, interviewing, research, organization, and delivery.

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Keep microphone muted unless participating. Do not talk over others.
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Please do not record any sessions as it may violate someone’s privacy and FERPA.
Full credit for those who do both of the weekly zoom sessions and all assignments on alternate days.