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My name is Mrs. Bantista and I am the K-8 Virtual Visual Arts teacher. I have a background in both elementary and middle school Visual Art Education. I spent my first two years of teaching at Bryns Darden Elementary School, followed by seven years at Montgomery Central Middle School. I hold a Bachelors in Art and a Masters in Instructional Technology. I am delighted to share my background in art history, processes and mediums, using my knowledge of digital applications, to get my students excited about art!
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-Elementary Schedule - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
K - 10:00 - 10:45
1 - 10:50 - 11:35
2- 11:35 - 12:20
3- 2:15 - 3:00
4- 1:20 - 2:05
5- 12:30 - 1:15

-Middle School Schedule - Wednesday
6th- 8:20 - 9:10
7th- 9:15 - 10:05
8th- 10:10 - 11:00

Monday - Clarke, Conley, Cathey, Reed, Eaton
Tuesday - Stanley, Sanborn, Towe
Wednesday - 6th, 7th, 8th ----------A/B week - 5th Grade
Thursday - Pierce, White, Rutledge,
Friday - Rye, Artemis, Moffatt, Powell, Messmer

*****ART CLUB*****
Elementary Art Club - 3rd, 4th & 5th grade
Wednesday 3-4
Middle School Art Club - 6th, 7th & 8th grade
Friday 3-4

I.D.E.A Expectations


Do your own work.
Use technology appropriately.


Try your best.
Participate in class.
Complete all of your work.


Be respectful.
No silly faces.
No eating on zoom.
Keep camera on and face in full view.
Stay muted until called on.
Raise your hand.


Be prepared.
Be on time.
Ask questions.